Thoughts on Motherhood for Mother’s Day

When I think of what the word “mother” means to me, the following words come to mind: loving, nurturing, caring, giving, safe, warm, home, forever. And yet words never seem to hold enough weight to accurately describe what my mother means to me, and also, what being a mother means to me.

I am so fortunate to have the most wonderful mom in the entire world, in my view. She has set such an amazing example of motherhood for me throughout my entire life, and continues to do so at a time that I need her more than ever – now that I’m a mom, myself. She puts her children and family before herself and anyone else, and she is always there for us when we need her. She will drop anything to help us and her family.

I think that’s what the heart of motherhood is – being selfless. Our babies are our entire world and their needs come before ours without any second thought. Our instincts are to nurture and protect, just like a mama bear. I think this is such a beautiful part of motherhood – your entire world changes and your children are suddenly the center of it, forever. You don’t think of yourself first any longer, you think of your children before anything. This does lead to less time to care for ourselves, which I think can be one of the tougher aspects of motherhood. However, as I am learning in raising a little one, everything is a phase – their needs are constantly changing as they grow, and there will be more time for yourself again. Now that I am a mother, I have so much respect for my mom, her mom, and every other mom. It’s something that I didn’t appreciate fully until I became one myself.

My beautiful mom with Walker

I read a post on instagram recently (I can’t remember or I would credit it) discussing that “once you’ve decided to become a mother you already are one”. I loved that statement because it is so true – whether you are already a mother, are expecting, or would like to become a mother, you are already thinking like one and have the heart of one (furry friend moms included!). I loved this especially, as I, like many others, did not have an easy road in becoming a mother, and my heart goes out to any one else that may be struggling. I hold onto the belief that God’s timing is always right.

Each day, I am reminded of what an amazing gift from God it is to be a mother. I thought my heart couldn’t get any bigger than the day Walker was born, but I’m finding the love I have for him multiplies exponentially each day. Seeing him learn, grow, explore, and develop into his own little person is such a gift. His smile melts me and lights up the entire room.

Becoming a mom has been life-changing in every sense of the word, and has given me a new perspective and sense of purpose. Walker is truly my greatest treasure and blessing, and again, words will never be enough to describe the infinite love that comes with being his mom. There is truly no love like a mother’s love!

Thank you to my mom for taking these special photos of Walker and I.

Happy Mother’s Day!

A close-up of a logo.


  1. Maggie Boineau
    May 10, 2024 / 3:31 pm

    As I tear up reading this most beautiful post, I feel nothing less than honored. Thank you from my heart for writing this for me and for all mothers. I am most thankful for raising two beautiful girls who are both now mothers and how proud I feel watching you in this role. My love for you both is never ending and now I have the sweetest grands that can share that love with! Happy Mother’s Day !!!!

    • Alexandra
      May 11, 2024 / 8:54 pm

      Love you so much!!! 🙂

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